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White Peas/Safed Watana

Original price was: ₹65.00.Current price is: ₹60.00.

1.Dried white peas are filled with fibres
2.Safed vatana are rich in proteins and iron
3.Rich in minerals like phosphorus
4.low in Fat

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Packing an iron punch, white peas come to the rescue for people at risk for iron deficiencies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Young children, pregnant women, women with heavy menstrual cycles and people who suffer heavy blood loss from injury or disease are all at risk of developing an iron deficiency, which causes fatigue and weakness. Paired with grains to round out the amino acid content, navy beans provide a complete protein that is less expensive and lower in fat than many animal-based products. In fact, legumes such as the white pea are useful to vegetarians and vegans looking for nonanimal protein sources. Finally, the fiber rich-white pea is a weight loss boon because it promotes proper digestion and makes you feel full more quickly than many other foods, yet it is low in calories and saturated fat. The high-fiber content is also helpful for people watching their cholesterol levels.

Additional information

Weight 500 g